Cause Marketing

Cause Marketing is a great way to create a meaningful partnership between your organization and London Health Sciences Foundation (LHSF). Cause Marketing allows for your organization to share its values with the community and gives your consumers the opportunity to give from the heart and get involved in their community.

In addition to meeting your social responsibility goals, a partnership with LHSF can help your company engage with new audiences, build customer loyalty and increase employee morale - all while making a difference in the lives of patients and families at our hospital.

Ways to Partner with LHSF

  • Promotional Matching Gift
  • Donate Percentage of Sales
  • Customer Donations at Register

Our Partners

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Interested in partnering with LHSF?

Please complete and submit our Cause Marketing Proposal Form here.

For more information please contact:

Lindsay Manz
Manager, Community Events & Celebration Giving
London Health Sciences Foundation